Hi, my name is Natascha, and I have a confession to make: I’ve never been an artsy person.
I wasn’t big into crafts (probably because none of my parents were crafters), and art education wasn’t my favorite subject in school. Instead, I got several mild traumas from school projects. For example, in 3rd grade, we had to crochet a snake. Mine was ugly. Hideous. And it didn’t make it better than it lived in my bedroom for several years after I made this monstrosity out of yarn and polyester filling.
I also wasn’t much into drawing or painting, and not one of those kids who loved their markers and crayons. For me, it was more about My Little Pony, Lego, and Playmobil. And later on, computers.
Looking back, if someone had said to me that I would discover a love and passion for crafting things with my own hands, I would have laughed at that person.
And yet, here I am. Crafting things out of polymer clay, metal and rhinestones. Creating the REAL handmade. Not the one people buy dead cheap from Chinese factories and put these items on Etsy pretending it’s their work (and don’t get me started on the Chinese resellers there – but that’s a different story).
I am excited to have you here, to show you my process and to take you with me behind the scenes. Online business can be lonely, but I honor the opportunity to connect with you over my blog, over video and various social channels.
And I promise to never stop wondering.
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